Notes from last Sucker Lake Meeting:
Saturday July 11, 2015 – Rosseau Community Hall – 10:00 am.
Approximately 20 people in attendance.
Chaired by Suzanne Field, Greg Clarkson and Gail Clarkson
Suzanne opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking them for attending.
First speaker was Lisa Noonan from the Muskoka Lakes Association:
- She provided a brief history of the MLA stating it is the oldest cottage association in Canada, 122 years old. MLA gets involved in many areas which concern cottagers and sets up committees to deal with specific issues.
- Lisa spoke extensively regrading water testing stating that the MLA program started in 2001 and tests 190 different sites.
- In past years Sucker Lake tested 5 sites, the testing was paid for by Sucker Lake Association membership dues. Sucker Lake tested for phosphorous which provides information regarding general development and health of the lake and for E-Coli which provides date specific measures of bacteria mostly related to human interaction. Phosphorous testing is done twice a year and E-Coli is done 4 X per year. Most recently Sucker Lake has only done the phosphorous testing.
- In most cases the E-Coli testing provides a ‘snap shot’ only and test results can change daily. The worst contributor to E-Coli is poor septic systems. Septic systems should be pumped every 3 – 5 years.
- If E-Coli readings are high the MLA will help the association focus on the causes of the poor results and will provide resources to deal with this individual cottagers on the lake if it relates to them.
- At the end of each year MLA publishes all testing results for all lake associations in the program.
- Lisa stated there is also a Province wide Lake Partner Program in place where a kit is mailed out, and samples are returned. This program measures phosphorous. There is no report provided regarding the samples. This is a free program.
- The MLA takes information provided by the Lake Partner Program for reference and comparison to their testing results.
- MLA cost for testing is $440 for phosphorous only and $600 for phosphorous and E-Coli.
Next speaker was Jack Hepworth, Sucker Lake Cottager and Seguin Councilor.
- Jack indicated that Seguin also tests the water and has done so on a rotating basis since2008. The water testing is completed by students and measures phosphorous, clarity, carbon, temperature and oxygen levels.
- He also indicated there is a program in place through the Health unit in Parry Sound where tap water samples can be taken and returned to Parry Sound for analysis. This is also a free program. It primarily measures E-Coli.
- Jack stated that over the years testing has shown that our phosphorous levels are very good. He stated that the most important thing to maintaining this is to maintain the natural buffer between your cottage and the water.
- Jack also commented on the update of the waste facility at Stanley House which will soon be converted to a system similar to Turtle Lake and Humphrey. This will deter bears.
- Jack also commented on the new OPP policing system and the need for Seguin to partner with other Townships to generate a cost savings.
- Jack informed everyone of a GIS mapping system on the Township website called ESRI where property owners can view their property and their assessment. Go to
- Jack informed everyone they can sign up for a Seguin email report and that he has been dealing with Seguin trying to improve the boat launch.
The future of the association was then discussed:
- It was agreed that there was a need for an association.
- The general consensus was that we didn’t need to continue water testing with the Seguin testing in place.
- Everyone wanted a method of communication so Erik Naperstkow volunteered to establish a website and maintain the website as a primary means of communication.
- Suzanne would do her best to update the cottagers contact list and provide it to Erik.
- Michael Downey from the north side of the lake and Brent Lang and Brent Steer form the south side of the lake agreed to volunteer to help Erik with communication and anything else required.